Chi metto come Persona Autorizzata per Il Fascicolo Tecnico sulla Dichiarazione di Conformità?

Persona autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico

Una delle novità introdotte dalla nuova direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE è l’obbligo di indicazione — sia nella dichiarazione CE di conformità per le macchine che nella dichiarazione di incorporazione per le quasi-macchine — della persona autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico.

Questa persona deve essere stabilita nella Comunità Europea e può essere sia una persona fisica che una persona giuridica; nel caso il fabbricante della macchina sia stabilito nella comunità questa persona può essere il fabbricante stesso.

A tale proposito la guida ufficiale della Commissione Europea sulla direttiva macchine (Guide to application of Directive 2006/42/EC – 1st Edition – December 2009) indica:

The person authorised to compile the technical file is a natural or legal person established in the Community who has been entrusted by the manufacturer with the task of assembling and making available the relevant elements of the technical file in response to a duly reasoned request from the market surveillance authorities of one of the Member States.

The person authorised to compile the technical file is not, as such, responsible for the design, construction or conformity assessment of the machinery, for drawing up the documents included in the technical file, for affixing the CE marking or for drawing up and signing the EC Declaration of Conformity.

All machinery manufacturers must indicate the name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file.

For manufacturers established in the Community, the person authorised to compile the technical file may be the manufacturer himself, his authorised representative, a contact person belonging to the manufacturer’s staff (who can be the same as the signatory of the EC Declaration of Conformity) or another natural or legal person established in the Community to whom the manufacturer entrusts this task. For manufacturers established outside the Community, the person authorised to compile the technical file may be any natural or legal person established in the Community who is entrusted with the task of assembling and making available the technical file in response to a duly reasoned request.

If a manufacturer established outside the Community has chosen to mandate an authorised representative in the Community to carry out all or part of the obligations set out in Article 5  the authorised representative in the Community can also be the person authorised to compile the technical file.

Un macchinario ti sta causando problemi?
Documentazione, conformità, installazione, modifiche.

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Un macchinario industriale ti sta causando problemi?

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